Waitlist Process

The Frontenac Rifle and Pistol Club Board of Directors has determined that the Club can accept 60 new members per year, to cover our normal membership attrition and allow for a manageable increase in membership. Groups of about 20 new members will be invited to attend one of our introductory sessions, spread out during the year, according to their position on the waiting list. Normal intake sessions will occur around May, July and October. The wait-list will also re-open at these times until full.
The waiting list is computerized and will close automatically at 120 applicants and re-open when the number of applicants falls below a certain threshold.
Before each intake session, the New Members’ Coordinator will contact the next 20 applicants on the waiting list to advise them of the time and place of the New Members’ Meeting. This e-mail will come from [email protected]
This club is run by volunteers and there is no permanent staff. Therefore, all pertinent information about the waiting list is here on the website. Therefore, we will not respond to any waiting-list related questions sent to [email protected] or to [email protected], or phoned in.
NOTE: You must be in possession of a valid PAL/RPAL before you will be invited for the New Members’ intake sessions when they come up. If your PAL is in the application process, it must be a reasonable assumption that you will have it by that time.